Oliver celebrated his first birthday twice. First, I took the day of his birthday off from work, and we celebrated by meeting Daddy and a couple of his co-workers for lunch and then visiting the Air and Space Museum. We were so busy checking out all the planes that I did not get a lot of pictures, but Sheryl got one of him "driving" a plane and I got a couple of him "flying" his two airplane souvenirs on the walk home and passed out shortly thereafter. I baked him a banana/applesauce cake for his first birthday cake, which he seemed to really enjoy.
Second, we flew into Wisconsin on Friday night for a birthday party on Saturday. He soaked up being the guest of honor and was showered with love by lots of family and friends. Oliver even went for a tractor ride on Grandpa's Oliver tractor. He also enjoyed his second birthday cake, another banana cake with cream cheese frosting from a local organic bakery. On Sunday, we spent the afternoon at Aunt Sheila and Uncle Jesse's house playing outside and checking out the animals.

I am so happy to be Oliver’s mama and overjoyed at the wonderful
person he is becoming. He has
brought us so much joy in his first year.
Oliver, we love you. Happy