Saturday, March 18, 2017

Big Brother

We took the kids to the pool.  Afterward, we walked a couple blocks to get dinner.    I was walking hand-in-hand with Oliver.  As we walked, our independent Adeline refused to take Joe's hand and instead insisted on holding Oliver's other hand.  And so they walked the whole way to dinner.  A pretty sweet walk.

Friday, March 17, 2017

C'est la vie

First, I did not realize I have not posted anything since Adeline's birthday!  But, I will catch up with some pictures from the past couple months in a separate post. 

This post was intended to share that despite a little disappointment about canceling our trip to Paris (a surprise anniversary/birthday gift from Joe), I loved how special Joe, Meghan, Oliver and Adeline made my birthday celebration.

Oliver came down with a stomach virus (with an initial hospital visit for an appendicitis scare) the day before our flight.  He was in pretty bad shape for 24 hours, so we canceled our trip the night before because we were worried about him and the possibility that Adeline or one of us might get sick next.  Turns out Oliver was fine the next morning (the day of our almost flight) and so far no one else has gotten sick...C'est la vie.

I came home from work on my birthday to a room full of balloons and decorations, a wonderful dinner prepared, and our gang excited to celebrate my day.  I felt very loved.  There was a bit of a post-party/cupcake sugar crash before bed.  But, we took that to be a sign of a good party.

Hopefully, our next attempt at Paris (tbd) will be seamless.  In the meantime, I am planning to enjoy a nice weekend with the kids and Joe.