Thursday, August 25, 2016

Eight Months Old

It has been a big month for Adeline.  She started crawling about two weeks ago and pulling herself up to stand in her crib about the same time.  This week she started waving bye-bye and giving high-fives.

She is becoming a very able crawler, but her preference it to hold hands and stand so she can practice walking.  She is also straightening her legs in downward dog position and lifting one arm to try to get herself to a standing position.  It would not surprise me if she is an early walker.  But, we will see.

She continues to be a very happy, chatty and cheerful baby.  Much to my heartfelt joy, she loves books.   She will sit and read a half dozen or more board books at a time with full concentration.  She loves flap books and lifting to see what is behind.  She turns the pages and has her favorite books to read.  She has a touch and feel Peter Rabbit flap book she loves and will always kiss the bunny on the cover when we finish reading.

She is starting to make word connections and you can see that she is understanding some of the things we say to her now.  She loves to clap and cheer for herself when she does something we ask like wave or crawl to us.  

She adores her big brother, and he is always ready to cheer her or make her laugh.  He takes his role of watching out for her very seriously and prides himself on being a good big brother.  And she brings out the silly side in our wonderfully serious little boy.  So far, they are a great complement to each other.

We love her more and more each day, and we are so happy she is part of our family.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Do I look like a big kid?

Oliver's first day of kindergarten: August 22, 2016.  His teach is Ms. Richie, who we met the first time today at drop-off.  If he was nervous he did not show it.  He was full of joy and excitement for his first day.  As we left the house, he put on his new backpack that he picked out and asked me, "Do I look like a big kid?"  He chatted the whole way to school.  We got out of the car to walk a couple short blocks, and I said you look good.  He responded, "Do I really look good mommy?"  Yes, he did.  Drop-off was outside, so we walked up to his teacher and he immediately introduced himself and started telling her about how he likes space, turtles, etc.  He gave me a hug and kiss and insisted I rub it in and keep it all day.  I told him to have a great day and he said of course he would.  I watched him walk into school talking with the teacher. 

I think it will be a great day.  I think he was ready.  I think he will make new friends.  I think he is going to love school.  I think he is a big kid now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Five Years Old

Oliver celebrated turning five with a Lego themed party.  His request was:  "For my birthday, I would like to have a party at home where I build Legos with my friends."  Despite not being able to sleep the night before because he was so excited for his birthday, I think it was a pretty good day.  His assessment: "The best birthday ever!"

Lots of Legos
Playing Rescue Bots with his best pal, Cavan
The Cake
No singing allowed, but he let us say "Happy Birthday"
Little Sister enjoyed socializing at the party

Learning new tricks
Birthday Boy
Post-party - enjoying his new toys

Friday, August 5, 2016

Last day of pre-school

Little man is growing up.  Hard to believe pre-school is coming to an end.  It was a great school and good first school experience for all of us.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Handsome Boy & Pretty Girl

I'm definitely a biased mom.  But, still can't figure out how I got such beautiful, sweet, and clever children.