Oliver visited his pre-school for an interview in the Spring and spent an hour during an open house last week. But, getting ready this morning, walking up to the school, and during the drop-off, you would have thought he was a kid who had been doing this all year. He was so excited to got to school today. I thought the drop-off would be a process, but he simply waved good-bye, told me he would have a good day, and gave me a kiss (after I asked). He never looked back, I did not even have a second to take a picture before he was off to his first day of pre-school.
There are about 20 kids in his class. Our brief report from the teachers was that he had a pretty good day. The teachers are always smiling and keep a pretty neutral tone, so it is hard to know for sure. I was happy to hear, no accidents and he likes the little kid potty at school. The one comment from both teachers was that they noticed "he is very particular." They mentioned that when they went outside he was very clear that he wanted his hat because the sun was in his eyes (his hat was inside). He also requested a specific cup from home, and he declined to drink using the cups from school. We are assuming he will cave on this one. They also said all the lights were turned off and the kids were laying down for nap time, but he refused to lay down until they turned on a light. He eventually got them to agree to turn on the light in the bathroom and he accepted this compromise. We will see if the "particular" stories continue or if he decides to go a little more with the flow as the week goes by.
Other parents warned us that the first day can go deceptively well and then the next day(s) are more challenging. I am prepared for some hard days. However, I am grateful for the joy and enthusiasm he had for school on his first day.
Oliver's first visit to his classroom |
Oliver and his teacher, Ms. Denise on first visit |
First Day of Pre-school |
Our Pre-schooler |