Of course, my maternity leave flew by. I'm headed back to work next week. But, I've really enjoyed lazy mornings of nursing and snuggling with Adeline. Fortunately, she just had her first couple of nights sleeping in two 4 hour blocks. Up until now, she was still eating around the clock every two hours. I did manage to avoid supplementing so I'm sad that Adeline will need to switch to bottle feeding (and me to pumping) during the day. But, I know she will be in good hands with Sheryl while I'm at work.
Oliver is occasionally sweet to her (patting her gently, reminding me to feed her when she cries, or shaking a toy for her so she will smile and kick her legs), but otherwise continues to do his own thing and simply accepts her as a part of our family (though he still has no interest in holding her).
After two months, we now remember a lot of what we forgot about having a baby, and we learned that Adeline is a baby that is very easy to love.