Saturday, December 24, 2016

Adeline is One Year Old!

Adeline turned one year old today.  She is friendly, feisty, loving, daring, and independent.  She is not only walking, she is running.  She says a handful of works, e.g., Dada, Mama, duck, cat, Oliver, moo (for cow), and roar (for lion).  Though she says a number of other things that I think she thinks we should understand.  She can identify all her major body parts, follows instructions, can identify almost any animal, and likes to color with crayons.  Her favorite activities are Walking/Running, Dancing, Legos, Magnatiles, and Books.  When Oliver is around, she wants to do whatever he is doing. She loves to be near him, but she has learned how to grab and run to avoid him snatching his toys back.  Even when Oliver is not around, she loves to play in his room during the day and sneak in some time with his Myrtle turtle when he is not here to stop her.  At night, she snuggles her muslin blanket(s).  She balls it up and makes a pillow that she lays on.  She always sleeps on her tummy.  She is a good eater.  She is eating a lot of regular foods now, but still loves her puffs and baby cracker snacks.  She is still taking bottles in the morning after breakfast, in the afternoon, and before bed.  She loves people and will smile and talk to anyone who she deems friendly.  However, she sometimes gets frightened by men especially if they have a low voice.

She was the sweetest baby; she is now the sweetest toddler/girl.  Joe, Oliver and I celebrated her birthday at home today.  She loved all the FaceTime with family and friends.  Her first cake was vanilla buttercream (picked for her by Oliver), and she loved it.

Happy Birthday, our sweet Adeline.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

A little sunshine

We have been fortunate to have several beautiful days for late November and early December.  The weather is definitely turning cold, and we have had a few bitter cold days already.  I am already anxious for Spring so we can have some more wonderful days in the sunshine. 


11 Months and Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Wisconsin again this year.  It was great to spend time with family and friends.  A little remote working, but it was still good quality time with the kids.  The kids also got to enjoy a their Midwest Christmas that lucky for them always comes a month earlier than in DC.

Adeline turned 11 months on November 24th.  She was taking her first steps, practicing her first few words, and loving all the attention from the grands, aunt/uncle, and nieces.