Oliver had a newborn "photo shoot" yesterday. We do not have all the pictures back yet, but I just got two preview photos. I found this photographer while I was pregnant, and we used her for my maternity photos (which I included a couple preview shots from in a previous blog post). We really liked the maternity pictures we took at the National Cathedral so our photographer suggested that we go back there to take a few newborn shots before going to our place for some more traditional newborn photos. To get the best light, we scheduled to meet her at the Cathedral at 8AM. I stayed up pretty late the night before cleaning to prepare for the photographer coming over and then Oliver did not have a great sleep night. That morning, I am in the bathroom getting ready and Joe is in the nursery (which connects to the bathroom) making the sleeper sofa bed, when I hear him say..."this is so stupid!" I go into the room and tell him we don't have to go if he does not want to and he looks at me confused and says of course it is ok that we go. I looked at him and said, "I just heard you say that this is so stupid." He responds, "did I say that out loud?!?" We both had a good laugh and made it to our stupid photo session. Here are the two preview photos from the Cathedral, one of which is (obviously) a combo with one of the shots from my maternity session.
Love the combo shot -- way cool!