Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Little Bookworm

I recently got Oliver his first library card, and Sheryl has been taking him to story time on Thursdays at the library about a mile from our house.  Sheryl sent me this picture today and noted "he definitely enjoys being at the library."  I love that the picture shows his car next to him, because he always has to have something with wheels close at hand, no matter what he is doing.

I enjoy finding each Thursday the new books they bring home and hearing him talk about the stories.  Last week he brought home a "Splat the Cat" series book and insisted in calling our cats Splat for several days.  "Oliver is petting Splat" or "Splat the cat is up to shenanigans again!"  All the while giggling and playing with Milo or Jax.

1 comment:

  1. We enjoy Splat the Cat at our house, too. Try to find the book Cookie's Week (Cindy Ward). I think Oliver will like it.
