Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We started talking about and reading about Halloween a few weeks ago.  I had a costume in mind.  But as soon as the costume concept was explained to Oliver, he had his own opinion about what he wanted to be, a Fireman.  He never changed his choice.  I knew the costume I ordered was going to be a little big, but I wanted him to try it on so I could see if we could make it work.  I thought he would be so excited, but the response was a clear, “NO!”  He was still firm on being a fireman for Halloween, but he refused to try on the costume.  I asked every morning and every night for a week, “Oliver, do you want to try on your fireman costume now?”  Same answer, NO!  This morning we told him it was Halloween…NO!

I hoped that once he saw the other kids in their costumes he would change his mind.  Thankfully, he did.  The photos do not do him justice.  He was so happy and smiley riding around on his fire engine in his costume.  He wanted to ride up and down our street (actually, only about 2 houses in either direction).  He liked seeing all the kids come, but he was not interested in going to trick-or-treat at the houses.  

We told him that our neighbors might give him a treat if he told them “trick-or-treat.”   He finally built up the courage and told us he wanted to go trick-or-treat.  He walked up the steps to our neighbor John’s house, whispered trick-or-treat, and was very sure he wanted the treat in the red wrapper.  We only made it to the one house then he then wanted to go home an open the treat.  That is when he said, “I want to open the red treat and see the car inside!”  I should have known.  We explained that the “treat” was candy, which is something sweet...  

 ...yes, I did let him try his first candy treat.

Oh, and Happy End of the Billable Year too!


  1. what a cutie!! sounds like a great halloween!

  2. Great pics, how appropriate considering our visit with the D.C. fire department!! Glad he reconsidered and wore the costume. Congrats to all on making it thru the billable year-Awesome. What a great blog entry. Happy Halloween.
