Friday, November 15, 2013

Fridays at Daycare

In an effort to start exposing Oliver to other kids his age, a few more trusted adults and a little more structure, we started him in a small at home daycare on Fridays.  He still stays with our nanny, Sheryl, Mon-Thurs.  As you can imagine, we put a lot of thought into this transition and my anxiety was high as I worried about how he would adjust.  Daycare is 5 minutes away and I worked from home the first few Fridays.  Here is how it went along with some highlights from email exchanges between me and the daycare his first couple weeks (pictures are all from daycare).
Sept 27th:  Drop-off at 8:45 AM was easy.  We visited before so he had met the owner, Tara.  He was excited to see all the new toys and kids, and he did not even cry when I left him.  I worked from home that day just in case. 
At 9:30 AM, I got an email from Tara at daycare, "Doing great! Talking up a storm and very happy!!  Will keep you updated..."
10:30 AM: "Makin a tree!" 
11:44 AM: "Just wanted to let you know that Oliver does not want to eat his lunch and is pretty upset about nap. He is happy playing but when we ask him if he wants to eat or nap he gets very upset. Not sure what you want to do. He is fine staying and playing. Just not sure if he will sleep."
Noon:  After a phone call saying Oliver was inconsolable, I picked him up.  I told them to tell him the time and that I would be there at 12:00.  He sat down in front of the clock and stared at it repeating that, "Mommy is coming when the arrow is on the 12" until I got there.  He was red eyed from crying, hungry and exhausted when I got there.  Feel asleep after eating some crackers during the 5 minute car ride home.
The following week, everyone was sick at daycare so he did not go.
Oct. 11th:  Drop-off at 8:45 AM was easy. 

10:00 AM: "Doing great!
12:21 PM: "He was doing great until about 15 min ago when it was time for lunch. He doesn't want to eat and keeps saying "I take my milk home now". He is totally done now but is watching the clock. It's just this transition we have to get through. He loves playing all morning!"
12:30 PM:  I went and picked him up.  Similar to Sept. 27th.
The following 2 weeks, Oliver was sick so he did not go.
Oct. 11th:  Drop-off at 9:30 AM was not as easy. 
10:22 AM: " I will keep you posted around lunch. But he is very happy now."
At noon, "We have definitely made progress today!! Oliver sat at the table and ate all his lunch with no problem, however I do not think he will nap today. I talked to him about it and showed him a mat, or the crib. He wanted nothing to do with it. He won't even let me take off his shoes, he did however have a great day. It was so great that he ate his luck with no problems. I think next week will be even better!"
At 1:00 PM, I arrived to pick him up.  I peak in the window and see him sound asleep on the mat.  I get back in the car.
At 3:30, Me: "How is he?"  Tara: "He is good, but keeps going to the door asking for you."  Me: "I'm wrapping this work call and will be there in 15."  Tara: "He had a great day and LOVED playing with Christopher and Baker!!"
3:45 PM:  I went and picked him up.  We went for a one of his favorite treats: to the latte shop for milk and a hazelnut biscotti.
Nov. 8th:  Neither leaving the house nor the drop-off at 9:00 AM was easy.  I stayed and read him a couple of books before going.  He had calmed down, but still cried when I left at 9:30 AM. 
9:38 AM: " Stopped before you reached the car!"
9:51 AM: " He's doing great. Chatting up a store and playing blocks!"
10:18 AM: " Cheerios!"
11:43 AM:  "Fast Asleep.  He did great. Ate his lunch, laid right down and literally fell asleep within two minutes. We will cover him with his blanket!"  
 2:57 PM:  "Doing Great!"
4:30 PM: I went and picked him up.  He literally started dancing when I came in.  He had a hue smile and was so happy!  Milk and hazelnut biscotti.
Nov. 15th:  Leaving the house and the drop-off at 9:00 AM was not too bad.  I stayed and read one book, he whimpered a little about me leaving, but was not too upset when I left. 
11:00 AM: " He is hilarious today. Chatting away. Such a smart boy!  He is in a great mood!"

2:11 PM:  "Sat right down for lunch.  looked at a book for 2 minutes on his mat before he fell asleep, still sleeping..."
3:33 PM: "Just woke up!"

3:38 PM: " He was dancing and laughing!"
5:00 PM: Joe picked him up.
I am so proud of him and how he adjusted.  He is growing up so fast!

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