For my birthday, Joe bought Oliver and I tickets to visit my BFF in California the last week in March. There are lots of reasons why I was so thrilled to take this trip. Of course, with Staci in Cali, I don't get to see her enough. In addition, she recently had her fourth child, Declan. She graciously invited us to stay in their guest room so we would have more time together and so the kids to really get the chance to hang out. Oliver and I had a great time. It was fun to see my only child in a house of fun-loving kids used to having other kids around. Staci's only daughter, Juliet, was so sweet and loving to Oliver. Aidric, the oldest, was full of ideas and kept us informed about what was going on...he is also a budding scientist so we bonded over a DNA isolation experiment. Cormac, or "Mac-Attack" his nickname, which Oliver loved, is a ball of independence and energy. It was so great to see Oliver and Mac interact since they are only a month apart in age. I forgot how tiny and sweet newborns are, I also forgot how much the sleep during the day. Which left Staci and I with time to catch-up and reconnect. I also got some schooling in what is cool in the world of elementary school kids, namely I had the chance to enjoy several renditions of the Frozen soundtrack (I even watched the movie). We especially had a blast at the aquarium, the park, Staci's yard, the pier (that Olive slept through), Staci's playroom, the bath, and Aidric's soccer game. Thanks Staci and Chris for letting us be your guests and making us feel like part of your family for a few days.
At airport waiting for our plane to California. |
Aidric, Mac-Attack, and Oliver riding a car in Staci's yard. |
Oliver was on DC time, so he while getting ready for bed each night the kids would come in for some fun and to say goodnight...lots of giggles. |
Fun at the Aquarium |
Myrtle of course made the trip to California and loved the hike at the park. |
Big Smiles and Thanks for a great trip! |
The Gang! |
Loved loved loved having you both here!!! Thank you so much for making the trip!