Since Oliver started pre-school life has taken on a bit of a routine here. We were very fortunate in that Oliver made the transition to pre-school very smoothly. He really seems to love it.
Most mornings, he has his favorite breakfast, pancakes, and I drop him off at school. If we leave early enough he can play in the "Sassafras" room, which is the before care playroom where they have a train table and a pet iguana. He always wants to leave early because he loves going to Sassafras room.
Most afternoons, Joe picks him up from school. They are usually playing outside for after care. He often asks to stay a little longer and play because he is having fun with his friends or riding the scooters. He spends time with Daddy after school, has dinner, and I usually can make it home by bath or bedtime.
Weekends mornings are Spanish class and Soccer on Sat and Sun, respectively. Saturdays after Spanish, in particular, are usually Mommy and Oliver days. The rest of the weekend is usually pretty full with running errands, trips to the bookstore, latte shop, and/or train table, and playing outside, often with his friends Abby and Bo.
Enjoying the apples Abby brought over for Oliver. |
Oliver and Bo sharing a giggle. |
I cherish the time I get to spend with our amazing little guy. He is clever, sweet, and so fun to be with. A couple stories from today made me want to jot a few moments down.
-After Spanish class, I asked him what he would like to do next. He said he wanted to go get ice cream (note, we have never gone for ice cream after Spanish class). Once we got in the car, I asked if we should go get ice cream from the market near our house. He said, "No, thank you. I would like to get ice cream at one of those other two places that we go sometimes." I asked if he was talking about Bloo Moon or the place in Georgetown. He said yes, Bloo Moon sounded good. Bloo Moon is closer, so I looked it up. I told him it was not open yet, so we could go later. His response, "It's ok Mommy. We can just go to the place in Georgetown instead." Sure enough, the place in Georgetown was open.
Enjoying his mint chocolate chip (favorite) ice cream. |
-Our tomato plants have been producing a handful every couple days of delicious cherry tomatoes for the past couple months. I love picking the tomatoes. I love the smell of the plants, and I feel a burst of joy each time I pick from our garden. We had one last large tomato. In honor, I wanted to have BLTs for dinner. Oliver and I made a special trip to the store to get turkey bacon and fresh bread. At supper time, I said we are so lucky that our garden has given us so many good tomatoes. After my little speech, Oliver looked out the door and yelled out, "Thank you, Garden!!"
April 2014 |
September 2014 |
-Oliver's class had a "field trip" to the pumpkin patch on Friday morning. Every child had to bring a parent. I was able to take the morning off. He was so excited on Friday morning, he was practically bursting. He packed his bag of Halloween treasures (glowing pumpkins, candles, flashlight, and plastic pumpkin from his grocery toys). He loved the hay ride, pumpkin picking and playing with his classmates at the farm. It was a very fun day. He is now in full Halloween mode. This morning he woke up and turned on all his Halloween pumpkins, candles and flashlights. Then he called us in to say, "Happy Halloween!!!"
Ready for pumpkin picking. |
Oliver and his pal, Avery, at the Pumpkin Patch. |
Oliver making his selections. |
Hayride with Mommy. |