Every now and then a day unfolds into something unexpected and special. Saturday was that kind of day for Oliver and me. We did not have much planned, and Joe was working an 8-hour duty shift. My hope was to accomplish what I have been striving for most days the past couple weeks before Joe gets home: keep Oliver feed to contentment; minimize nipple trauma; brush my teeth and shower; wash the dishes and a load of laundry; try to eat at least one actual meal; and (if I am doing really well) take Oliver for a walk and run an errand or two while we are out. Most days we are lucky to get through the first couple items on the list.
On Saturday around 11AM, I had not managed more than to feed Oliver and sit marveling at his cuteness (which I should include on the list above, since I spend more time doing this than any of the other items) when I got an unexpected call from my dear friend Jennifer (who I have called Jenny for years). To my surprise, she called to say she (and her husband Phil and three beautiful kids) drove to the East coast for the weekend from Indiana for a wedding in Virginia. She was nearby in Alexandria and offered to come by our condo for a visit. I quickly agreed, but I will confess that our condo was in no condition for visitors. Moreover, I was still in my PJs and had not gotten around to a shower or brushing my teeth. I guess it is a sign that I am now thinking more like a mom that instead of pulling myself together like I usually would have, I finished feeding Oliver, made sure he had a fresh diaper and cute onsie, and hid the unfolded laundry in the bedroom. When they arrived, I was still buttoning the sort-of clean shirt I had thrown on. Regardless of my appearance, it was a wonderful visit.
Jenny’s kids, Fiona, Vincent and Kingston, were a delight and enjoyed playing with our cat Milo. Jenny and Oliver instantly bonded, which melted my heart. It was great to see and catch-up with Jenny and Phil. I am so glad she called and that we were able to share a few unplanned precious moments in time together.
It was *so* perfect. I still feel this buzz of pure joy when I think about how it all came together and that everybody played their part to make it extra-special (although we did miss Joe). These pictures are fabulous, and indeed it was instant-love upon meeting Oliver. Love his inquisitive looks and his fill-up-his-whole-face smile. What a wonderful boy... And, what a wonderful, loving home. So proud of you my sweet friend... Much love to all of you... Can't wait to surprise you again (or you me). We'll make it a tradition of sorts! :) Hugs & butterflies... Your Jenny