Oliver has been a busy boy the past couple weeks. His first trip by plane was to California to visit my friend Staci, her husband Chris, and their three beautiful children. The youngest of which was born exactly one month after Oliver, and we expect that this visit was just the beginning of a lasting friendship. Oliver was great on the flight, and we completely enjoyed our visit.
Upon our return from California, our friends Amy and Byron were in town with their son Wyatt, who is nine months old. Since it was my last full week of maternity leave, I was able to go sightseeing with Amy while Byron attended the conference he was in town for and Joe worked. We took Wy and Oliver to many of DC's must-see destinations, including the White House (their likely future residence). During the evenings we spent time hanging out and being entertained by Wyatt and Oliver. The good weather and great company made for a wonderful week with our dear friends--we just wish we could do it more often!
Oliver's second trip by plane was to Wisconsin to visit his Aunt Sheila & Uncle Jesse, Cousins Kate and Claire, Grandma and Grandpa (Marx), Nana (Combs), and Great Grandma (Scheer). Once again Oliver proved to be an excellent traveling companion. Since Joe was with us this time and the flight was only 1.5 hours long, the trip was overall very smooth. Once again we were fortunate to have great weather and Oliver enjoyed the loving attention of his family.
It was a joy to see Oliver meet his cousins and future pals for the first time. We enjoyed our visits so much that I was really bad about taking photos, but I do have a few of Oliver that I snapped while traveling and at home the past couple weeks. He is so handsome!