It is that time of year again: end of the billable year. For obvious reasons, this year it has been particularly hard to (1) keep up with my hours and (2) make the big end of year push to catch up on my hours. Because Oliver was born exactly 12 weeks prior to the last day of the billable year, the only way to make my hours was to return to work before my 12 weeks of maternity leave were up. As a family, we decided that we would make the necessary sacrifices so that I can make my hours. Last week was really hard. I put in long hours, which meant very little time with Oliver. I leave him with Sheryl in the morning and get home in time for one or two feedings and put him to bed at night. However, it was even harder this weekend. Although I did not bill as many hours this weekend as I had hoped, I am grateful for the precious few hours I got to spend with Oliver (he took his first bath in the big boy bathtub; we read a couple books; we played and had tummy time; Joe brought him to my office to nurse (and so Oliver could take a call); I got to sit and listen while he chatted and babbled about his first trip to REI with daddy; we sang a couple of his favorite songs; and I held him while he slept (I was even able to work and bill during a couple naps)). I am hopeful these hours will help get me through this last billable week and weekend...
Hang in there!! Believe it or not this isn't the hardest thing you will have to do as a Mom. You are amazing & he loves you for all that you do-both boys.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you this week and knowing you are working so hard. It's really nice that Joe and O can come hang out and visit with you at your office.