Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Day of Play

Since going back to work, Oliver and I have not had a lot of "mommy and me" days. So today was an extra special day for me. Joe had some household projects he wanted to work on, which meant just O and I spent the whole day together without any agenda or plans. We ended up snuggling and sleeping in (love my kid!) and then enjoying some playtime this morning. He was pretty adorable playing so I snapped a few photos. Next, we took a walk to Georgetown and had lunch together (literally, he nursed while I ate my lunch at the bakery). Then we shopped for his Christmas outfit before heading to our favorite activity...the bookstore!! We picked out and read a few new books together and had a snack at the coffee shop where we met a professor who is writing a book on the impact names have on success. He took a liking to Oliver and let us know that "Oliver Joseph," in his opinion, is a great name choice (but, he did warn us against using "Ollie"). I guess we can rest easy now knowing that at least we did not screw up his future because of a bad name choice. It was a great day!


  1. I'll say it again, that kid is cute!! Sounds like you had a great day. Wonder what the professor would think of Cormac :)

  2. Wyatt loves bookstores, too. Glad you had the chance to spend a whole, unstructured day together. I think those are some of the best.
