Sunday, September 25, 2016

Nine Months Old and Baptized

The baby stage is going fast with Adeline.  She had her check-up this week: 19.8 lb (75%), 29 inches (95%), and 25.5 cm head (90%).  She is crawling and "coasting."  She pulls herself up on everything.  She waves, gives kisses, claps, does "so big" with arms up, mimics raspberry sounds, and drinks water from a sippy cup.  Her first word was "duck," but it sounds like "daak."  She said it during our California trip, but we were not sure if we heard her correctly.  Now she says it every time we see a picture of a duck in one of her books.  She is also now saying "dada" and "mama" to refer to us.  The rest of her efforts are still unclear, but she babbles on-and-on so she seems to think she is saying something.  She loves her books and enjoys pulling them from her shelf and flipping though them on her own.  She watches Oliver's every move and wants whatever toy Oliver plays with.

She was baptized at the same church as Oliver.  She is a lucky little girl and had her crew of family and friends there to share her baptism and brunch after.  It was a beautiful day.

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