…is my two front teeth, my two front teeth!! It seems that Oliver’s first Christmas will also mark the arrival of his first two teeth. He is only 4 months (and 10 days), but with all the drool and desire to put everything in his mouth, we figured he might be teething a bit early. However, I was still a little surprised to find that his bottom two teeth were starting to break through this week, I felt them for the first time on Thursday (12/15). By Sunday (12/18), they both had just broken through the gum. By Christmas, both teeth will likely be solidly visible. He has been a real tough guy. Only a bit of minor complaining and a continued desire to have something in his mouth to chew on.
Oliver has been lucky and already had two practice Christmas celebrations. One celebration during our Thanksgiving trip to Wisconsin, and the other celebration this weekend in DC with my mom and brother. It was fun to see his response to the gift opening and new toys during his second Christmas celebration compared to his first. In the few weeks since his first Christmas celebration, he seems to have become more interested in opening the gifts (even if he then wanted to eat the wrapping paper) and even more engaged in the new toys this time around. He is changing so fast!!!
So far it has been a very happy holidays for us. We hope it has been the same for you.
Milk. I guess it goes without saying that babies love milk. Oliver has a clear preference for Mommy-made milk. It cracks me up the way he will stop in the middle of eating and look up at me with the biggest smile as if to say, thank you Mommy, I really LOVE this milk!
Books. This is my favorite of his favorites. Oliver loves to look at books and be read to, and he shows a preference for certain books over others. I was so proud of him when a couple weeks ago he started helping turn the pages when we read together. Lately, he has also started to "read" the stories to us.Hands. His hands, my hands, Daddy’s hands, anyone’s hands…the kid loves to chew, stare at, touch, and hold hands and fingers.
Sophie. His 'Sophie la girafe' takes a close second place to his hands.
Sheryl. Oliver loves to be silly and giggle with Sheryl. I love my little man more than I can say and I try to be silly with him, but nothing compares to the fun Oliver has with Sheryl. She knows how to get him giggling in a way that just melts my heart.Independence. We have found that while Oliver wants us to be available and in his line of vision, he also loves his independent playtime. He talks enthusiastically to himself and gets his thinking face on (often with lips puckered and eyes concentrating on whatever toy or book he is working on).
Good Morning. Ever since he started smiling (which it seems like he was born doing), Oliver has woken up, locked eyes with me, and started his day with a big gummy smile. I love being the first person he sees in the morning because it makes my day to see that smile!
However, note the clothes she dressed him in this morning.
- enough said.