Saturday, February 22, 2014

"Mr. Gorbachev, cut a door!"

We have a bunch of place mats for the table: letters, numbers, periodic table, maps, presidents, etc.  This week we used the US presidents one a lot.  Oliver asks who everyone is and can identify the last four Presidents, Lincoln, and Washington.  So we were talking about Reagan this morning and I was trying to think of a story to help him remember him.  So I told him about the Berlin Wall and about how Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall."  He asked me to show him pictures of the wall and to re-tell him the story a couple times.  After looking at the pictures on my phone and asking a few questions, he looked at me and said, "Reagan should cut a door in that Berlin Wall."  Our discussion on symbolism aside, you can always count on this kid for a good idea.

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