Monday, January 9, 2012

1/8/12 -- Five Months Old

Oliver was not particularly cooperative about getting his picture taken for his 5-months old day. He scratched his nose in the morning and all day was much too interested in the cats, napping, and chewing (the 5-months sign, his toes, my fingers and face) to sit still for a photo. I guess the pictures are appropriate since these are pretty representative of some of his recent interests…


  1. I was just getting ready to post cormac's four month pic when it occurred to me I hadn't seen a post from you yet. Trust me, they just get harder! I remember aidric lunging off the chair for his 6 month pic and Juliet chewing the 8 month sign on that one ;)

    Love all these pics. It is sooo sweet when they find their toes!!

  2. Soooo sweet! Every month they get better, too!
