Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ten reasons why Oliver loves his daddy (as interpreted by mommy)

#10 My daddy was there when I was born and helped my mommy during the (agonizing pain of) labor.

#9 He likes to do fun things with me (like trips to the Air and Space Museum on his birthday).

#8 He has a cool job; and when mommy is not home, he asks my advice on super secret stuff.

#7 He gets up in the middle of the night to change my diaper.

#6 He listens to good music with me (we like to jam together).

#5 He is sweet to my mommy and teaches me how to impress the girls.

#4 He does not kill Milo and Jax when they are naughty—I love the kitty kitties.

#3 I have Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Sheila & Uncle Jesse, Kate, Claire and Great Grandma to love me because of daddy.

#2 Mommy says he is handsome. Everyone says I look just like him. You do the math.

#1 What’s not to love. Everyone loves MY daddy.



  1. all great reasons- happy birthday joe!! and GREAT pics- oliver is sooo cute!!!

  2. Oliver is so thoughtful and articulate. Smart boy!

    Happy Birthday, Joe!!!
