Oliver has been very interested in food for some time. He watches us eat with total envy and reaches for our utensils and cups. I know the current recommendations are generally that you can start introducing solid foods around 4-6 months, but our pediatrician’s recommendation has always been to wait until 6-months so we have tried to hold out. However, after our appointment with the pediatric developmental specialist this week, we decided to go ahead and get Oliver started on “real food.” By the way, the specialist appointment was set up while we were in the NICU to follow-up on his progress--given his stressed entry into the world. I am happy to report: he is doing GREAT! He tested at or advanced in all areas. The doctor had absolutely no concerns. She did say, we could start him on food anytime and that finger-food and eating skills are good developmental skills for him to be working on. So, game on…
Oliver loved it! I did not anticipate his enthusiasm, so there was a bit of spilled food before we even got started. Once we cleaned up, he immediately reached for the spoon, brought it right to his mouth, and gobbled it all down. He was a little mad when it was all gone. Don't worry little man, there is more to come.

We have not experienced the first post-cereal diaper yet, but I will spare you a blog post on that one.
Great news that O is scoring so high on his "tests." starting the food thing was so fun. We started aWy at about 5 1/2 mos, which was just right for him. He loved fruit puréed stirred into plain yogurt pretty much from the beginning. And banana puree in his cereal. Oh and we would also stir in some puréed prunes to his cereal--just to counteract all that iron and banana. :) We found it great fun to learn what flavored he likes and see him develop eating skills. Nowadays he bites off toast from a whole piece and can cram an entire Ritz cracker in his mouth at once! Such a great stage...have fun!