Our healthy and happy little man is doing great. Here are a few insights into his world…
Physical changes: ~18 lbs (home scale); eyes are still blue; hair is a light brown and sticks straight up on top; 7.5 teeth; getting smarter and stronger every day
How to make Oliver giggle: tickles; mimic him when he makes sounds; e.g., coughing or “aaa-chooo;” peek-a-BOO; getting close to the kitties (esp. Jax); the chirping eagle; getting to be naked after bath time in his crib; when mommy and daddy are laughing; making faces with mommy in the mirror; exercising with daddy; sometimes singing silly songs
Foods he has tried: mommy’s milk, formula, oatmeal, sweet potato, peas, carrots, banana, butternut squash, pears, string beans, and apple
Foods he liked: everything except banana
Favorite toys: pandie, xylophone, the chirping eagle, sophie, bongo drum, wood blocks, turtle shape sorter (not to sort the shapes, but to bang and chew on); stacking cups; wooden spoon when he helps daddy cook; his toes
Our favorite books: B is for Bear (touch and feel book); Brown Bear, Brown Bear; Peek a Who; Pout Pout Fish; Llama Llama Red Pajama; The Very Busy Spider; The Hungry Caterpillar; Charlie the Monkey; The Little Blue Truck…I could go on and on….
Evening ritual: play and help daddy make supper; solid food with daddy; nurse when mommy gets home from work; read books and play with mommy; bath time; giggles/brush teeth/jammies/good night songs; bottle/nurse; fall asleep (usually mommy’s arms); into crib; sleep until between 12-2; nurse; back to crib; sleep until between 6-8; and then a new day begins. Weekends are similar, except instead of spending the day time with Sheryl, we get to have more family time.
Life is good.