It was one of those days where I feel really lucky to live in DC. It was a cool, cloudy, and windy day. A perfect day for flying kites—pretty cool that today also happened to be Kite Festival Day in DC. We were making plans to have brunch with our friends James and Meredith when they mentioned stumbling across this event last year and how they planned to participate with a kite of their own this year. Weather permitting, we signed on to tag along. It turned out to be a perfect day for kite flying and lots of fun to take Oliver for an afternoon of watching the kites and playing in the grass. I had not imagined so many people and so many different kinds of kites. I think we will have to participate with a kite of our own next year.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Jesus loves me, this I know…
I think Oliver knows he is loved by a long list of people, and if you are not on that list, I think he is pretty confident he can get you to sign on. Oliver’s Nana, Grandma & Grandpa, and Aunt Sheila came out for his baptism on March 25, 2012. The baptism service was lovely and Oliver was a superstar. He shared the morning with a little boy the same age named Robert. Both boys had on almost the same outfit and were very well behaved. But, Oliver did not miss out on his moment to shine. After the baptism part of the ceremony the pastors lift the babies up “Simba” style and then walk them around the church for the whole congregation to see. Oliver could have been running for public office the way he was smiling, waving and engaging the crowd. The phrase that came to mind was “what a ham!” With the lighting in the church, we were not able to capture a good image, but I will keep that memory with me. We went to brunch at The Tabard Inn afterward. Sheryl met up with us. It was great to see Oliver surrounded by so many people who care so much for him.
It was a wonderful weekend with family. And with so many hands on deck, Joe and I were able to sneak away for a little couple time. We had an over-due anniversary dinner out. We went to a movie one night. We got to sleep in and have room service at a hotel—my first official full night away from Oliver. We loved having everyone here and we were sad to see everyone go.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Goodnight Sweetheart
Oliver slept through the night on March 17th (7 months, 9 days old). When he did it again the next couple nights, I still thought it could be a fluke. But, now that over a week has passed where he has slept from about 9:00PM to 6:00AM (even while cutting another tooth), I think it is safe to say he now sleeps through the night. I had forgotten how nice it is to sleep for more than 3-4 hours at a time--it is really nice.
We did not change his schedule or do official “sleep training.” He finally just made the switch on his own. The past couple weeks, he has been eating three servings of a solid food a day, and we have followed a nighttime schedule for a few months now (dinner, play/read, bath, milk, and bed). We still rock him after his last feeding until he falls asleep and then put him into bed. It usually only takes 10-15 min for him to pass out. But, I know he will soon be too big for this and it makes me a little sad. In the meantime, I love to get a few minutes of quiet snuggle time before putting him to bed each night.
This photo is not of him sleeping through the night. It is a snapshot of his monitor during a late afternoon nap a few weeks ago. I took the picture because it shows what a cute little snuggle baby he is.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I planned to work this afternoon...
…then we started running errands, ate lunch, and when we found a little patch of grass, I knew I could not pass up spending my whole Sunday with my two best boys.
This was Oliver’s first time in the grass. I don’t want to think about what this patch of city grass has been used for…anyway, he loved it. He picked up every leaf, blade of grass, stick and rock and fully investigated it. Then he would put it in the pile between his legs. He was so happy that we let him play like this for at least 20 minutes. When we picked him up to leave, he started to whimper until I brought him over to a tree where he got to touch the leaves—and he smiled the biggest smile.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
What a Week.
Oliver had a pretty active week. He is doing so many new things. Just this week, he started to move himself from a sitting position to really putting his weight on his hands, to crawl/scoot backwards, to wave, and tonight he pulled himself up to standing position using the side of his bathtub. One of the things I enjoy the most about his little accomplishments is his self-pride. He has a serious/quiet face that he gets when he is investigating something new or trying to solve a problem. But, to be there when he figures something out is the best. His serious face instantly softens and he looks around to see if anyone was watching, then he smiles and laughs in celebration of his victory.
It is far to early to start speculating on Oliver’s true personality, but I will comment on a few observations. As mentioned above, he does like praise and sometimes almost seems to be motivated by getting our approval. That being said, he appears to like his independent play time (although, he likes you to be in eye shot while he plays alone). So far he is still not really a baby who cries or complains much. He is the moodiest when he is tired—hunger he can work through, but he has a harder time with being overly tired.
I don’t know how else to say this one: the kid is a flirt. And he loves pretty girls. I have so many examples of this that I cannot begin to list them. He is big into people watching, and when he sees a woman or group of girls he knows how to reel them in. He starts with the shy act, but gives away enough of a smile to draw them in before he really starts to hook them with the big smiles and the giggles—and he loves to get a response. As one example, he has been doing a half wave this week for Sheryl and me, and he did the same thing for Daddy when he got home. But, tonight we were walking back from our lunch and afternoon in Georgetown when he started “flirting” with a couple of girls while we waited in line at the ATM. One of he girls waved and I swear he put his hand up and gave her the biggest wave and smile. They were all aflutter about how cute he was and how he waved at them. Meanwhile, I am in shock because that was his first actual wave and he gives it away to a few pretty girls on the street after we have been begging for it for weeks. What can I say other than the kid loves the ladies.
A couple pictures of Oliver in action today...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Reading, standing, swinging, etc.
So far, Oliver really loves to read books (which makes my heart very happy). He has his preferences, turns the pages, and even sometimes will sit contently looking at a book by himself when he has several toys to choose from.
Oliver likes to "walk." We are trying to encourage him to crawl, but his preference is to be on his feet.
Sheryl took Oliver to the park this week and he went on a swing for the first time. She said he really enjoyed it, and she had a few pictures from her phone that showed him having a great time.
Milo and Oliver are buddies. We still watch Milo pretty close because he forgets how sharp his claws can be and he does like to steal Oliver's toys. Oliver will "pet" him and reach to touch his tail. But, so far they have been gentle with each other.
3/8/12—Seven Months Old
Our healthy and happy little man is doing great. Here are a few insights into his world…
Physical changes: ~18 lbs (home scale); eyes are still blue; hair is a light brown and sticks straight up on top; 7.5 teeth; getting smarter and stronger every day
How to make Oliver giggle: tickles; mimic him when he makes sounds; e.g., coughing or “aaa-chooo;” peek-a-BOO; getting close to the kitties (esp. Jax); the chirping eagle; getting to be naked after bath time in his crib; when mommy and daddy are laughing; making faces with mommy in the mirror; exercising with daddy; sometimes singing silly songs
Foods he has tried: mommy’s milk, formula, oatmeal, sweet potato, peas, carrots, banana, butternut squash, pears, string beans, and apple
Foods he liked: everything except banana
Favorite toys: pandie, xylophone, the chirping eagle, sophie, bongo drum, wood blocks, turtle shape sorter (not to sort the shapes, but to bang and chew on); stacking cups; wooden spoon when he helps daddy cook; his toes
Our favorite books: B is for Bear (touch and feel book); Brown Bear, Brown Bear; Peek a Who; Pout Pout Fish; Llama Llama Red Pajama; The Very Busy Spider; The Hungry Caterpillar; Charlie the Monkey; The Little Blue Truck…I could go on and on….
Evening ritual: play and help daddy make supper; solid food with daddy; nurse when mommy gets home from work; read books and play with mommy; bath time; giggles/brush teeth/jammies/good night songs; bottle/nurse; fall asleep (usually mommy’s arms); into crib; sleep until between 12-2; nurse; back to crib; sleep until between 6-8; and then a new day begins. Weekends are similar, except instead of spending the day time with Sheryl, we get to have more family time.
Life is good.