…then we started running errands, ate lunch, and when we found a little patch of grass, I knew I could not pass up spending my whole Sunday with my two best boys.
This was Oliver’s first time in the grass. I don’t want to think about what this patch of city grass has been used for…anyway, he loved it. He picked up every leaf, blade of grass, stick and rock and fully investigated it. Then he would put it in the pile between his legs. He was so happy that we let him play like this for at least 20 minutes. When we picked him up to leave, he started to whimper until I brought him over to a tree where he got to touch the leaves—and he smiled the biggest smile.

There's something about the outdoors that is sooo cool. The yard is Wyatt's favorite place to explore! Tastes everything too. Sounds like you had a lovely Sunday. By the time you visit this summer O will be ready to discover earthworms in my garden :) (having graduated from leaves and sticks...).