I think Oliver knows he is loved by a long list of people, and if you are not on that list, I think he is pretty confident he can get you to sign on. Oliver’s Nana, Grandma & Grandpa, and Aunt Sheila came out for his baptism on March 25, 2012. The baptism service was lovely and Oliver was a superstar. He shared the morning with a little boy the same age named Robert. Both boys had on almost the same outfit and were very well behaved. But, Oliver did not miss out on his moment to shine. After the baptism part of the ceremony the pastors lift the babies up “Simba” style and then walk them around the church for the whole congregation to see. Oliver could have been running for public office the way he was smiling, waving and engaging the crowd. The phrase that came to mind was “what a ham!” With the lighting in the church, we were not able to capture a good image, but I will keep that memory with me. We went to brunch at The Tabard Inn afterward. Sheryl met up with us. It was great to see Oliver surrounded by so many people who care so much for him.
It was a wonderful weekend with family. And with so many hands on deck, Joe and I were able to sneak away for a little couple time. We had an over-due anniversary dinner out. We went to a movie one night. We got to sleep in and have room service at a hotel—my first official full night away from Oliver. We loved having everyone here and we were sad to see everyone go.

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