Our healthy and happy little man is doing great. Here are a few insights into his world…
Physical changes: ~18 lbs (home scale); eyes are still blue; hair is a light brown and sticks straight up on top; 7.5 teeth; getting smarter and stronger every day
How to make Oliver giggle: tickles; mimic him when he makes sounds; e.g., coughing or “aaa-chooo;” peek-a-BOO; getting close to the kitties (esp. Jax); the chirping eagle; getting to be naked after bath time in his crib; when mommy and daddy are laughing; making faces with mommy in the mirror; exercising with daddy; sometimes singing silly songs
Foods he has tried: mommy’s milk, formula, oatmeal, sweet potato, peas, carrots, banana, butternut squash, pears, string beans, and apple
Foods he liked: everything except banana
Favorite toys: pandie, xylophone, the chirping eagle, sophie, bongo drum, wood blocks, turtle shape sorter (not to sort the shapes, but to bang and chew on); stacking cups; wooden spoon when he helps daddy cook; his toes
Our favorite books: B is for Bear (touch and feel book); Brown Bear, Brown Bear; Peek a Who; Pout Pout Fish; Llama Llama Red Pajama; The Very Busy Spider; The Hungry Caterpillar; Charlie the Monkey; The Little Blue Truck…I could go on and on….
Evening ritual: play and help daddy make supper; solid food with daddy; nurse when mommy gets home from work; read books and play with mommy; bath time; giggles/brush teeth/jammies/good night songs; bottle/nurse; fall asleep (usually mommy’s arms); into crib; sleep until between 12-2; nurse; back to crib; sleep until between 6-8; and then a new day begins. Weekends are similar, except instead of spending the day time with Sheryl, we get to have more family time.
Life is good.

love his blue blue eyes and that huge smile. he's adorable!! 7.5 teeth??? what??? he's growing up too fast!! (and i think cormac is right around 18 lbs. too!)