Oliver had a pretty active week. He is doing so many new things. Just this week, he started to move himself from a sitting position to really putting his weight on his hands, to crawl/scoot backwards, to wave, and tonight he pulled himself up to standing position using the side of his bathtub. One of the things I enjoy the most about his little accomplishments is his self-pride. He has a serious/quiet face that he gets when he is investigating something new or trying to solve a problem. But, to be there when he figures something out is the best. His serious face instantly softens and he looks around to see if anyone was watching, then he smiles and laughs in celebration of his victory.
It is far to early to start speculating on Oliver’s true personality, but I will comment on a few observations. As mentioned above, he does like praise and sometimes almost seems to be motivated by getting our approval. That being said, he appears to like his independent play time (although, he likes you to be in eye shot while he plays alone). So far he is still not really a baby who cries or complains much. He is the moodiest when he is tired—hunger he can work through, but he has a harder time with being overly tired.
I don’t know how else to say this one: the kid is a flirt. And he loves pretty girls. I have so many examples of this that I cannot begin to list them. He is big into people watching, and when he sees a woman or group of girls he knows how to reel them in. He starts with the shy act, but gives away enough of a smile to draw them in before he really starts to hook them with the big smiles and the giggles—and he loves to get a response. As one example, he has been doing a half wave this week for Sheryl and me, and he did the same thing for Daddy when he got home. But, tonight we were walking back from our lunch and afternoon in Georgetown when he started “flirting” with a couple of girls while we waited in line at the ATM. One of he girls waved and I swear he put his hand up and gave her the biggest wave and smile. They were all aflutter about how cute he was and how he waved at them. Meanwhile, I am in shock because that was his first actual wave and he gives it away to a few pretty girls on the street after we have been begging for it for weeks. What can I say other than the kid loves the ladies.
A couple pictures of Oliver in action today...

The flirting is pretty funny, isn't it? Love the outfit too :)